

Registered participants are guaranteed:

Full-time participation (personally attending the Conference)

  • Obtaining a participant's name badge
  • The Certificate of participant
  • Access to meeting rooms for all oral and poster sessions and to the showroom
  • Getting the conference program
  • Coffee breaks

Online participation

  • The Certificate of participant
  • Publication of an article in electronic scientific journal * (provided the article was submitted on time and in accordance with the requirements of the journal)


The service package (an additional option at the request of registered participants attending full time) includes a banquet on April 23, 2021. 


In the purpose of payment please indicate: "Registration fee of the conference participant  Surname First name Patronymic (full name)". 

Payments with different wording will be considered invalid.

Continuous medical education (CME) 

Applications for accreditation in the CME system will be submitted for all educational events